Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snow Valley Resort

I went with my siblings to try out what the fuss was about pertaining to Snow Valley because my oldest brother and his friends insist that their favorite place to board is officially Snow Valley.  I was a bit skeptical because it is not a popular resort so I was thinking it was going to be another Mt High.  When we were almost there, there was a check point and even though our car had 4WD, they still made us turn around which was ridiculous because the condition wasn't even that bad!  Luckily for us, Vu lived nearby in Highland so we just went to his house and picked up his chains.  The worst part is that when we got back to the check point, the security check ended!  So that was a big waste of time.  Once we got to the resort, the parking lot was SO empty!  We geared up and headed on up.  It had snowed the night before but they still had massive snow machines every 10 ft apart running constantly and their man made snow was very good quality snow.  I was surprised at how long the trails were because Mt High's trails are short compared to Snow Valley's.  The angle of the slopes are much better than at Mt High even the easy trails because it was angled enough to still continue moving since no one wants to be stuck in the valley of death.  We were all testing out our new gears and I would of liked it more if my bindings were broken in more because the straps were so stiff that it was hurting my ankles so badly that it left a bruising.  My older brother and I were having problems getting off the lift with our new rocker boards because our bases are sintered so it was very slick and with its rocker shape there was less traction to slow down versus our extruded camber boards.  Unfortunately for my older brother, while getting off to do his 2nd run, his board slipped underneath him so he fell down in a weird manner and dislocated his shoulder so that ended his day.  Although it's not too bad because the lift tickers were dirt cheap with the 4 pack deal for 99 bucks.  Snow Valley was pretty sweet and pretty empty so you can have the whole place to yourself!

My backyard!


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