Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bleep Christmas

Starting xmas off with a smile made of wax!

Since we couldn't go boarding for xmas, we went to our cousin's house for lunch along with the other cousins.  It was the usual, eat, talk loudly, played games, drank alcohol, gambled, and passed out.  I really didn't expect to stay there for so long but we ended up staying there until 11 at night because one family wasn't invited since everyone thought that their whole family went to Vietnam but it was only their parents that went so they got a late invitation.  Although, they were also late because they were also drunk from last night as well but at least they didn't passed out at someone else house like my other cousin.  Little R was a handful though and wouldn't go to sleep because everyone was there and he wanted to stay up and play even at 11 at night but it was funny because he took a dump and fell asleep on the toilet.  He's 3 and is taking dance class, singing class, and karate.  You have to start off 'em Asian kids early I guess.  I think we started my little sister off at age 4.  So yeah, Christmas was long and wet because it ended up raining that evening but we didn't even noticed since the insulation was so solid that we didn't even hear a thing.

Pretty sure that's not how you play pool E.

Rocking it on Rockband.

Playing pictionary and C always winning every game and the grand prize!

R winning a whole buck on his first hand!

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