Saturday, February 23, 2013

No Excuses

Apparently Broken Promise is still in denial of having a poor lapse in judgement years ago. I'm so beyond caring about the past but if you want to bring it up then of course I'm going to turn into a raging hamster with rabies with an uncontrollable twitch. I understand people could suffer from memory loss from heavily bodily trauma but I do not think it should be used to justify your past actions by claiming that's not how you remember things happening. First of all, if you're going to state that your memory is messed up because of trauma then don't try to tell me that your version of a memory is more accurate than mine. Second, if I'm the one raging about this bit of memory then obviously I would remember the event quite well. Third, you're an idiot. In other news, I've just been really busy with work. It's funny because I was laid off from my other job but a week prior, I was offered a job so things just happened to worked its way out on its own and for the better. I was tired of my old job because my boss was knowledgeable in the field but he just never really spent the time to teach me much. He was always busy teaching his freshly imported wife who's half his age the ropes instead. Also, the pay was crap. So I was happy to leave my old job without having to quit and join up with a relative. I'm already learning and doing more than I did at my old place and I even already got an increase in pay. I just couldn't believe how my path was so easily chosen and laid out for me. Needless to say, it was perfect timing. Only downside is that I have to work on Saturdays too so that does cut into my boarding time. My brothers, cousin and I went boarding for the first time at Big Bear this season because Thrive Snowboard was having a demo event so we were able to get lift tickets for half price. The only downside was that there was no fresh pow because it's been hot for awhile so the condition was nothing but ice. I ended up with some bruised knees because I forgot to wear knee pads and Lan ended up with a huge bruise on his elbow. Lan and I finally got to try out our new boards, which were awesome by the way. Although he already damaged his board because he ran into Raymond, Thrive community member, on our first ride down at the lift. Raymond's new Thrive board also got damaged because of that too. I didn't get to hang out much with the Thrive guys but they all easily knew who I was, damn it~

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